The Ottawa Dialogue Policy Briefs series is intended to stimulate discussion around key issues in the field of Track Two Diplomacy. They are published three times a year. Each Policy Brief is written by a leader in the field.
“Using Peacebuilding Dialogue to Address Sociopolitical Polarization in North America,” by Mr. Josh Nadeau
“Multitrack Digital Inclusion and Data-Driven Peacemaking” by Dr. Andreas Hirblinger
“Local peace actors and external funding mechanisms: Towards greater agency for local actors?” by Dr. Margarita Tadevosyan
“Peace Historiography and the Competing Narratives of the 1993 Oslo Channel” by Dr. Lior Lehrs
“The Crisis in Myanmar: Are there Roles for Track Two Diplomacy?” by Dr. Peter Jones, Dr. Min Zaw Oo, and Dr. Julia Palmiano Federer
“The Information Revolution and New Opportunities for Multitrack Diplomacy in High Violence Situations: The Increasing Importance of Data Organization and Local Input for Policy Shaping,” by Dr. Kristina Hook
“Is There a New Track Two? Taking Stock of Unofficial Diplomacy in Peacemaking,” by Dr. Julia Palmiano Federer