Policy Brief #6: “Multitrack Digital Inclusion and Data-Driven Peacemaking” by Dr. Andreas Hirblinger

The Ottawa Dialogue Policy Brief series is intended to stimulate discussion around key issues in the field of Track Two Diplomacy. They are published three times a year and are written by leaders in the field. The sixth Policy Brief of the series is written by Dr. Andreas Hirblinger.

This policy brief fleshes out how data-driven approaches can be leveraged within an inclusive, multitrack framework. This policy brief further presents a conceptual model for inclusive data-driven mediation support, consisting of two interrelated and complementary processes, namely vertical data sharing (between different tracks) and horizontal data dialogue (within the same track).

The authors of each Policy Brief are entirely responsible for its content. The author can be contacted at andreas.hirblinger@graduateinstitute.ch

Read our sixth Policy Brief here.

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