Policy Brief 2: “The Information Revolution and New Opportunities for Multitrack Diplomacy in High Violence Situations: The Increasing Importance of Data Organization and Local Input for Policy Shaping,” by Dr. Kristina Hook.
Ottawa Dialogue’s second Policy Brief, written by Dr. Kristina Hook, looks at the ways in which the information revolution and emerging technologies have heightened the importance of engagement between governments and two sets of Multitrack actors in situations of mass violence against civilians: scholar-practitioners and local experts. Your feedback and comments are welcome and may be sent to Dr. Hook at khook@alumni.nd.edu.
The Ottawa Dialogue’s Policy Brief series is intended to stimulate discussion around key issues in the field of Track Two Diplomacy. They are published three times a year. Each Policy Brief is written by a leader in the field. Please subscribe to our mailing list to receive both our Policy Briefs and our Newsletter as they are released.