Peter Jones receives the 2019 Marcel Cadieux Award
Peter Jones, Executive Director of Ottawa Dialogue, received the 2019 Marcel Cadieux Award for the best article on Canadian foreign policy published in the International Journal for his essay “Middle power liberal internationalism and mediation in messy places: The Canadian dilemma“.
In this article, Jones explores the current “Canadian dilemma”: a strong desire to be at the forefront of mediation and peacebuilding, conflicted with concerns about the domestic political repercussions of involving in mediation those who have violated international norms. In this context, Jones brings light to the shortcomings of liberal internationalism, but argues that it has historically proven possible to make choices which allow one to move forward in the face of conflicting pressures. In the current absence of a decision to move forward as a mediator, Jones argues that supporting unofficial Track Two initiatives and working to further develop this niche field could be a worthwhile contribution for Canada to the international mediation effort, but this not the same thing as being a mediator oneself.
The Marcel Cadieux Award is one of three to celebrate the most influential work appearing in International Journal, Canada’s pre-eminent journal of global policy analysis.